24岁我是可盐可甜,可纯可欲,喜欢主播​的点点爱心关注 不迷路😘 pm,主播喝水The host to drink water,站起来转一圈Stand up and turn around,打屁股4下 Four slaps on the butt,给主播鼓励Give encouragement to anc,无论如何守护我Protect me no matter wh,请主播喝奶茶Please host drink milk t,点歌pick a song,胸上画个爱心Draw a heart on your che,比猪鼻子pig snout,飞吻kiss,99朵玫瑰rose,打卡 punch card;,看看脚Look at the foot,锁骨写你的名字Write your name on your,喜欢主播Like the host,秀美腿show beautiful legs,讓我休息一天 day off,1朵玫瑰rose,请佳佳吃饭Invite Jia Jia to dinner,天南地北,佳佳最美Jia jia is the most b,金鸡独立Foot stand,

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