26岁我是九儿,身高167,体重48公斤,深爱不如久伴! 荧光棒glow stick,神仙水 Jiuer drinks water,蜻蜓点水/qīng tíng diǎn shuǐ/,路过打招呼Stop by to say hello,乌鸦唱歌The crow singing,站起来转一圈我有腿Stand up and turn aro,站扭动身体Stand and twist,穿丝袜Wear stockings,跳舞 Dance,换性感装In a sexy outfit,请九儿吃零食Treat Jiu ‘er to a snack,涂口红rouge sb.‘s lips,给爷笑一个,撩头发Give me a smile and r,胸口写字Chest and write,哎呦喂!这妞不错Iuv! That’s a good gir,打屁屁3下Give me three spanks,穿性感高跟Wear sexy heels,点歌request a song,爱九儿一生一世Love Jiu er all my life,送我9朵玫瑰花🌹Send me nine roses 🌹,我爱你九儿I love you Jiu ‘er,舔肩膀 Lick Shoulder,送我99朵🌹Send me 99 flowers 🌹,撒娇八连Showing the north,喝酒一杯Drink a cup of,买酒钱Buy drinks,做我的骑士Be my knight, 浇花尿尿Watering the flowers pee,私发小秘密Personal hair secrets,深蹬30个Deep to 30,

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