29岁First day on the air Thank you guys for supporting pvt c2c Make it第一天开播 谢谢哥哥们支持 pvt c2c 随便和我色色哟 💖助你一币之力To help you with a pen,💖PM,💖玩具放里面震Toys shake inside,💖请你喝水Please drink water,💖小粉随机超高震Small powder random u,💖路过不白嫖No one passes by for no,💖点首歌Click a song,💖舔手指Finger licking,💖看内裤Look at the underpants,💖看脚Look at the feet,💖看毛See hair,💖换情趣衣Change your clothes,💖脱下内裤Take off one’s underwear,💖全脱 (不露脸)Take off (without sh,💖看屁股Look at butt,💖脱上衣Take off one’s shirt,💖做我骑士Be my knight,💖让我休息一天Give me a day off,

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    添加飞机群了解更多: https://t.me/stfansworld