xueer123321 - XinRen新人主播信息
28岁有趣的灵魂万一挑一 Sweet爱心荧光棒 Light stick,✨眨眼睛👀wink✨,✨嘟嘟嘴Duduzui✨,送柚子小红花Send grapefruit red flow,柚子,来报道,默默的看着柚子Looking at grapefruit s,柚子今天好美Grapefruit is so beautif,点歌request a song from a singer,私信PMPrivate letter pm,请柚子喝水Please drink grapefruit w,看柚子扎马尾Look at the ponytail of ,原地跑30秒Run in place for 30 seco,站起来看看Stand up and have a look,撒娇5连Spoil 5 Lian,柚子不听话打pp3下Spank three times,请柚子吃零食Invite grapefruit to eat,✨✨舔嘴唇+舔膝盖+舔肩膀✨✨,穿性感丝袜Wear sexy stockings,送柚子99朵花Send grapefruit 99 flow,舔手指Lick your finger.,换套性感的衣服(可选)Change sexy clot,给柚子一个惊喜Give grapefruit a surpr,请柚子喝一罐啤酒Drink a can of beer.,无论多大的风雨,都有我在,✨✨送柚子一个大钻戒✨✨,做柚子的骑士Be a grapefruit knight,柚子,陪伴是我对你最长情的告白,✨✨辛苦了,提前下播休息吧✨✨,加柚子VX Add grapefruit wechat,让柚子休息一天take a day off,
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添加飞机群了解更多: https://t.me/stfansworld