Richmond__,xiaoroubaby> 19岁梓雯,可萌可憨~ C2C PVT 开放中 不白嫖 梓雯 no free request please,私聊pm,点歌不唱Song request ,站起来看看Stand up and look,绑马尾ponytail,梓雯喝水Drink water,秀脚show feet,献上飞吻Blow a kiss,哥哥心情好 发个小红包Brother in a good m,揉胸Rub the chest,舔手指Lick your finger,秀腰Show waist,给梓雯买一包烟Buy a pack of cigarette,爱梓雯 love me ,喝白酒两口Take two sips of white wi,禁止抽烟5分钟No smoking for five min,抽烟smoke,喝啤酒半杯Drink half a glass of bee,M腿m-leg,秀乳沟Show cleavage,加平台好友Add platform friends,请梓雯吃饭Invitation you to dinner ,侧身趴凳子30秒Lie on your side for 3,奶心露点Milk heart dew point,闪胸Flash chest,控制小粉100s lush control 100s,玫瑰花 rose🌹×520,吹白酒一瓶drink one bottle whit win,做我骑士 be my knight,让梓雯休息一天Take one day off,

22岁新手上路 老司机求带~ 💋 主播好漂亮 我喜欢,站起来转一圈,点歌 Pick a song ,对视镜头抛媚眼 sexy eyes allure,私信悄悄话 PM,喝水drink water,做鬼脸 make a face,秀脚Show feet,舔手指Licking your fingers,深蹲5下,唱一首歌 sing a song,秀美腿 show beautiful legs,木头人1分钟,侧身狗狗式翘臀,😜胸上写名字 Name on breast,撒娇叫老公 husband,小狗式打ppx5,舔舔性感肩膀 lick shoulds,浅浅诱惑摸一下胸,辛苦了宝 奖励奶茶一杯,上帝视角M腿诱惑 M leg,99朵玫瑰送主播 99 roses,❤❤爱你~ love ,让我休息一天Give me a day off,



