VICKY-493> 19岁新人主播大哥们多多支持,想要更多的我们私聊 Give the anchor throat lozenge,打嗝 hiccup,桃宝今天好美 It’s beautiful today.,care for you 心疼你,点歌 request a song,PM,私聊吖 private chat,请主播喝水 Water for the anchor,要抱抱Need a hug,路过,不白嫖Pass by, not for nothing,飞吻I LOEWE YOU,捏脸蛋 Pinch the cheek,秀秀腿,Show off one’s legs,舔手指licking fingers,桃宝穿丝袜Wear silk stocking,M腿 一分钟,M leg one minute,💖送我99朵Give me 99 roses,揉胸 (不漏点)RubTitts Show chese,舌舔阳具Tongue licking penis,那么冷,请桃宝吃火锅,暖暖,Please have hot ,拿走上衣2分钟,Take away your coat,脱掉内衣(不漏点)Take off your underwe,love you 520 sweet,控制玩具300秒,一生一世爱桃宝Love me all my life,Be my Knight 做我的骑士,守护桃宝一辈子guard for a lifetime,加微,ldptingke,💖接桃宝下班Take the anchor off dut,让桃宝休息一天have a day off,